Final Sale Of 2010

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November 21, 2010
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great way to wrap up the season!

Thanks once again to everyone who showed up to our final sale of 2010, Sat Nov 20, at the Pottageville Community Centre. It was a great way to wrap up our season!  We had the largest crowd so far since we moved to Pottageville, and the general consensus was the prices were strong overall. Of course there are always a few items that disappoint ( not the buyer of course, but perhaps the seller), but I felt the prices were strong and fair on most furniture pieces.  This was an auction with a quantity of nice refinished smaller furniture pieces, which I believed to be right for the time of year.  The glass and china consisted of a lot of average type pieces, so I was not expecting strong prices in that area. The last two months have been two of the best months I have ever had in my fourteen years in the auction business, and I credit much of that to the move to Pottageville.  Many new faces at every auction, and that is very important to our business. One of my concerns when we first decided to go to Pottageville, was that we not lose the “fun, old fashioned country auction” atmosphere, that I believe has been very important to our success.  Bond Head was crowded, noisy and had a certain energy to the auctions.  Cookstown was big, two rings running, lots of noise and excitement to those auctions as well.  I didn’t want Pottageville to be staid and boring.  It is a sit down auction, people get comfortable and at times complacent and perhaps a little bored at some of the sit down auctions I have attended.  I wanted to keep a level of excitement and energy to the auctions, and in my mind at least, I think we have accomplished that in Pottageville.  It is an nice hall to sell in, the crowd is close, and it is easy to inject some humour and banter with the staff and customers,  into the auction. To follow up on that thought I would like to share part of the contents of an email I received from one of our very good dealers `Hi Rob. Great auction yesterday. You and your staff make us feel so welcome it doesnt feel like work“ I take that as a compliment.  As a dealer I attended 100’s of auctions, and there were always some I looked forward to attending, because I had a good time when I was there.  Now as an auctioneer, I am flattered when someone enjoys coming to our auctions. So now I have to get back to work.  There are many consignors to pay, and a full day of paperwork to do.  I will do a wrap up of our entire season and some of my thoughts on what I have seen during this past year, in a future entry. For now, have fun on the auction trail! Rob
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