First Auction Of 2010

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January 21, 2010
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its going to be interesting!

Getting ready for what I think is going to be a very interesting auction Jan 23. Just finished loading a thirty foot moving van, and still have to load my van, plus there will be a few more loads from consignors coming to the hall.  This is going to be a large offering! This has also been a record month for traffic to the website.  We had the most traffic ever in a single day this week, and the most traffic ever for a single month.  In fact I used up all my allotted bandwidth by Thursday, and the website shut down!  A quick email to be “web people” and they allotted me additional bandwidth and the site was up and running again. So needless to say I am expecting a very full house on Saturday, and that is typical for January auctions.  This is the time of year when people have time on their hands and not too many auctions to choose from.  Also we just happen to have a pretty good offering! So if you do plan on coming to the sale, please be patient.  It is going to be crowded…probably pretty noisy and a little hectic, but that does make for an interesting auction! For those of you who are coming to an auction for the first time…it is likely to be an experience for you! I will let you know how it all worked out after the Jan 23 auction. Rob
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