It’s Now Official….

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July 8, 2010
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we have a new location!

I have been hinting there would be some changes coming in the next few months…and now I can make that official! Starting Sat. Sept 25, we are going to start doing our auctions in the Pottageville Community Centre. Pottageville is a nice spacious hall, certainly larger than Bond Head, so we will have more seating…more space…everything is on one level.  Parking is good…it is well laid out for an auction facility. Auctioneers have been using the hall for several years now, so it has become established for that purpose. For most people, you will take the 400 to the Lloydtown exit  (just south of Highway 9), and in a few kms you are at the hall.  You can also take Highway 27 to Lloydtown road and cross over that way. I conducted over 150 auctions in the Bond Head Community Centre, where we started 14 years ago.  The location worked well for us until about 4 years ago. The rent increased by 175% over a two year period, thereby making it an expensive hall to use. Our auctions continued to grow in size, especially the quantity of furniture, and we literally outgrew the hall!  I hear a lot of negative feedback concerning the lack of seating and the difficulty viewing in Bond Head, so for the last few years I have been trying to come up with an alternative.  Cookstown solved the problem for the summer months, and now hopefully Pottageville will be the solution for the rest of the year.  I am very excited about the move! So now the question is….will we continue to do the same type of sale in Pottageville?  The answer….yes…but with a few changes. Pottageville does not lend itself to the “rough and as found” pieces the way Bond Head and Cookstown did.  It is a different atmosphere, so we will scale back in that area, and try to keep the primitives clean and refinished.  Of course we will still have some “as found” pieces, but not to the extent we did before. I am also cutting back on the “low end” glass and china.  Too much handling and too little demand.  There is more work in unpacking and putting out tray lots, than there is in handling and selling “front table” items. However, I will still be keeping it a “country auction”.  That’s what we do best and that’s what I enjoy.  I like the energy, pace and feel of an old style auction.  We will still having people standing and milling around the auction, as well as the section for those who wish to sit.  It will still be noisy, interesting and at times humorous….I don’t want anything to change in that regard! I would also like to maintain and even upgrade the overall quality of the auctions.  There is good demand for interesting and unusual items, and quality still continues to sell. I like to think we have been doing pretty decent auctions for 14 years now, and hope the quality items still continue to come our way.  I think when you create the proper venue; the good merchandise will come your way. So that’s it for now.  I am excited and optimistic about these changes, and of course will keep you updated.  I also welcome any feedback you can provide! Rob TO RESPOND TO THIS ARTICLE OR ANY OTHERS JUST CLICK ON THIS LINK
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