Photos Sept 13 New Furniture
Sept 13 New Furniture Auction

Home Furnishings, Mattresses & Home Decor LIVE Auction!
Sunday Sept 13th 1:00 pm Sharp
Preview @12 Noon Day Of Auction
And Saturday Sept 12th 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Supreme Furniture
320 Bayfield Street (Bayfield Mall Beside Dulux Paints)
Barrie L4M 3C1
Contact Rick 705-725-4071
Covid Rules Will Apply. Proper Distancing & Masks MANDATORY
If you are not comfortable attending the live auction, you can preview the items Saturday 10-4, and leave advance bids.

Excellent Selection Of Home Furnishings & Home Decor!
Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Loveseats & Recliners In Material And Leather. Quantity Of Brand Name Mattresses & Sets In Single, Double, Queen & King, Over 100 Pieces Available. Occasional & Accent Tables, Coffee, End Tables, Chairs, Dressers, Chests Of Drawers, Pub Sets & Dining Suites, Prints, , Home Decor Items, And Much More!
We Have Been Commissioned To Offer All Inventory By LIVE Public Auction!
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Attention Stagers And Consumers. This Is A Full Auction, Approx. 3 Hours, With No Set Order, So Items Can Be Put Up As Requested.
If You Cannot Stay For The Auction, You Can Leave Advance Bids During The Preview.

Bring Your Van, Truck Or Trailers, Or Delivery Is Available At A Reasonable Cost. (Large Items Can Be Removed Up To Four Days After Auction)
TERMS: Cash, Interac/Debit, Visa and MasterCard, Valid I.D. required. 10% Buyers Premium. Subject to additions and deletions. All verbal or written announcements on auction day take precedence. All items must be paid for prior to removal from premises.

Online Auction Sept 27-Sept 30 2020

OnLine Antique Auction!
Opens Sunday Sept 27 7:00 pm
Closing Wed. Sept 30 8:00 pm
Preview & Pickup At Our New Location
259 Innisfil Street Barrie
Pickup Saturday & Sunday Oct 3 & 4 11:00 am-4:00 pm
Please call for appointment so we can maintain Covid-19 precautions…I will have to limit the number of people in the building at one time.
Call my cell 705-305-5662
Located Across From The Barrie Antiques Centre (Sandford & Son Emporium)
Warehouse At The Back Of The Parking Lot Of The TSC Store

Quality offering to include a nice selection of early lighting including signed Pairpoint table lamp; Hummel bedroom lamps; blue flowered crocks; 28″ garden bronze by Toronto artist Al Green; gramophones including VV-300 console gramophone, Columbia cylinder gramophone with external brass horn; Victorian cranberry glass; Moorcroft pottery; Van Briggle art pottery vase; jardinieres; art pottery; Beswick and Doulton figurines; variety of antique furnishings including Gibbard tea wagon, small tables and smoke stands, walnut bedroom suite, Victorian spool cabinet, nesting tables, McCaskey oak register, rare antique oak payroll desk, vintage Sligh office desk, Singer 66 Red Eye sewing machine head; nice selection of antique tins; signs including 48″ metal Castrol Oil; variety of primitives and country decorating items; Oliver “Batwing” typewriter; antique child’s wagons; bisque head dolls; chrome hood ornaments; oak long case wall telephone; Persian rugs; original artwork and prints; railway lanterns; sterling silver and silverplate; quilts; Hudson’s bay blanket; wool blankets; signed boxes; Stanley 45 plane; and much more!

You Can Check Out The Preview Photo Gallery Here, But This Does Not Take You To The Online Auction

I Am Now Accepting Quality Antique Consignments For Upcoming On-Line Auctions
Please Send Me Photos If You Can, Of The Items You Are Interested In Consigning.
If That Is Not Possible, Please Phone 1-877-797-2135, Or Cell # 705-305-5662
Or Email

Always Looking For Primitives & Country Items, Sterling Silver, Clocks, Original Artwork, Porcelain And Tin Signs, Advertising, Antique Toys, Etc. Whatever You Have, Please Contact Me, And If I Can’t Include Your Items In Our Auctions, I Am Always Happy To Suggest Other Options With You.

Our First On-Line Auction Completed…the verdict is?

We did our first on-line auction July 15th.
After 23 years of live auctions, this was a big change, but I will not be doing any live auctions for the remainder of this year, so I had to give it a shot!
Photos August Online Auction 2020
August 2020 On-Line Auction

On-Line Antique Auction!
Wednesday August 19 8:00 Pm
To View Final Results Click Below

You Can Also Check Out Preview Photos Only…This Does Not Take You To Online
Featuring a nice selection of Canadian, American And English pottery including Medicine Hat Pottery, Van Briggle Art Pottery, RRP Co, Brantford Pottery, Royal Stanley, Kanyengeh, Rosemead, Gouda, Weller, James Plant & Son, Roseville, Royal Doulton Stoneware & Moorcroft, variety of porcelain including Minton setting for 6, Royal Doulton figurines “The Old Balloon Seller, The Balloon Man & Belle Of the Ball”, Beswick figures, Paragon “Forget me not” teapot, Royal Doulton Valdour teapot, etc.
Nice selection of antique and some quality contemporary furnishings including outstanding Maceys 4 unit oak barrister’s bookcase, high back organ/piano stool, walnut tea wagon, solid cherry server, outstanding carved gentleman’s chair, brass top occasional table, early ash sideboard/jam cupboard, contemporary pine two piece flat to wall, beautiful two piece Victorian walnut butler’s chest/bookcase, oak corner cupboard with curved glass door, large leather armchair, contemporary illuminated walnut china cabinet/showcase, oak cellarette, Gibbard walnut magazine table, Barrymore floral loveseat, nicely carved early Victorian walnut tea table, walnut smoke stand, contemporary birdseye maple armoire, walnut sewing stand, walnut drop leaf lamp table, walnut drop leaf/gate leg sofa table, plus assorted of small lamp and end tables.
Clocks including: Lippert long case walnut clock purchased in 1936, walnut Pequegnat mantle clock “Pantheon” model, Blinking Eye cat clock.
Everything Else: Consolidate Glass Co vase with original label, Robert Held art glass vase, carnival glass stretch vases, Fada bakelite radio, cast iron boot scrape, Dunhill tinder pistol WW2 presentation lighter, variety of porcelain and tin signs, native beadwork, signed Isaiah Blood broadaxe, composition riding horse, two sets of brass weights, brass elephant counter bell, mid century modern ashtray stand, Saniboy pedal garbage can, cast iron floor gate, collection of metal planes, contemporary Pepsi tin thermometer, 2 ½ gallon crock, U.S.Navy knife, old tins, wooden signed box, Heineken plaster bar advertising piece, Casite glass front thermometer, signed Tiffany inkwell, composition coal oil lamp, Charlie McCarthy doll, original signed oil painting by W.J. Hopkinson, signed Pairpoint base lamp, brass wall brush set, Castrol porcelain thermometer, brass extending store display rack, FICO wall plaque, brass candy thermometer, porcelain Sunoco washroom signs, milk glass and enamel hanging light fixtures, floor lamps, Ltd Edition print “Nice Day” by native artist Eddie Lepage, 53” advertising pencil, Bentley and Jaguar car grills, Jim Beam and Ezra Brooks bottles, porcelain beer taps, 1940’s rotary desk phone, brass Chinese noodle vendor’s cart, Heineken illuminate bar sign, vintage blue flak plastic saddle bags, store mannequin on cast iron stand, Expo 67 copper nut cracker, Masonic brass plaque, Congo tribal knife, J.A. Henckels meat cleaver, bronze 19th century cherub candle stick, bronze 12” whippet, brass wall fire extinguishers, Canadian centennial 1867-1967 stirrups, 1809 oil on canvas portrait signed Tomas Parsons, variety of authentic Persian rugs, cast iron bench ends, large cast iron implement wheels.
Join Us For Another Exciting ONLINE Auction!
You Can Check Out Auction Results From July On-Line Auction

I Am Now Accepting Quality Antique Consignments For Upcoming On-Line Auctions
Please Send Me Photos If You Can, Of The Items You Are Interested In Consigning.
If That Is Not Possible, Please Phone 1-877-797-2135, Or Cell # 705-305-5662
Or Email
Always Looking For Primitives & Country Items, Sterling Silver, Clocks, Original Artwork, Porcelain And Tin Signs, Advertising, Antique Toys, Etc. Whatever You Have, Please Contact Me, And If I Can’t Include Your Items In Our Auctions, I Am Always Happy To Suggest Other Options With You.

2020 Brings About Big Changes!

As 2020 rolled in on us, I don’t think anyone could have predicted what this year would bring!