Online July 2020 Gallery

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Covid-19 Forces Some Changes!

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Some changes coming down the pipe for us!

Covid-19 will force some big changes in the auction industry.  Honestly, as of this writing May 11, I have no idea when we will be doing live auctions.

Covid-19 Creates Lots Of Time To Update The Blog!

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Well, this is April 25th 2020, and at this time, I should be winding down another antique auction. Packing and cleaning up the hall, and then taking the staff out to Swiss Chalet.

The Virus & The Auction Business

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We will talk about the Covid-19 Corona virus.

Time To Update The Blog!

Well, it’s been a LONG time since I updated my blog, so I will explain a few things.

Antique & Vintage On-Line Auction Wed July 15 2020

On-Line Country Antique Auction!

Our  First On-Line Auction, Wednesday July 15 8:00 pm.

You Can Check Out The Results Of The Auction!

You Can Also Have A Basic Preview Of The Gallery Here.

This will not take you to the on-line auction, just the photo gallery.

Antiques, Vintage & Collectables Auction Including: External gramophone horn, “Lil Nipper” porcelain bank, cast iron garden urns, signed CNR tableware, 1930’s glass embalming fluid bottle, authentic Avro Arrow blueprint, variety of tin, porcelain and glass signs, small brass propellers, coal oil lamps, cast iron grates, silkscreen bottle from Price’s Dairy Mount Albert, pressed glass goblets, Fitz & Floyd china pieces, variety of vintage hand blown cranberry pieces, signed CNR hand lantern; vintage radios, vintage lunch pails, barn lantern, Coca Cola thermometer, cast iron pump mounted on board, collection of Al Jolson memorabilia, vintage Coca-Cola trays, vintage travel alarm clocks, tobacco tins, coffee tins, brass scales, cast iron counter scale, figural cast iron tobacco cutter, large cast iron tobacco shaver, signed Doulton foot and bedwarmers, bronze dog figural bookends, signed Wilson picnic cooler, “Snack Toter” picnic cooler in original box, ornate Victorian cast iron parlour table, signed wooden boxes, unusual folding Corona typewriter, vintage Underwood typewriter, cast iron dogs, brass shoe stands, pine dome top box, concrete fishing boy, small wooden trunks and tool boxes, Les Dunsdon arrows in original box, vintage car radios, vintage Mystery Action travelling car in original box, Dinky toy tank, “catseye” marbles, collection of miniature/doll shoes, counter top wooden display case, pair of church candle sticks,  1920’s floor lamp, carved antler head walking staff, Hudson’s Bay wool blankets, vintage hood ornaments, Simpson, Hall & Miller silverplate pitcher, silverplate tea/coffee service, silverplate  serving tray, vintage panoramic photos, vintage 35 mm Pentax cameras, Aladdin lamp, pine dough box, one gallon handled crock, child’s wicker rocker, walnut smoke stand, vintage bar mirrors, signed Arte Vargas paperweight, 50 star American flag, vintage Nippon coco set, Detex Newman watchman’s clock with station keys, signed A. Gilles copper plaques, signed Hiawatha Tobacco chalkware bust, soapstone carvings, oak case Singer treadle sewing machines, cast iron fireplace screen, French Louis XV style chairs, cast iron implement wheels, framed French fashion engravings, 12 authentic Persian rugs, framed 1930’s Edison Mazda advertisement, metal Anco wiper display box, variety of small tables, including pair of Thomasville cherry end/lamp tables, mahogany leather top lamp/end tables, folding George E Bilton “butler” table, etc

I Am Now Accepting Quality Antique Consignments For Upcoming On-Line Auctions

Please Send Me Photos If You Can, Of The Items You Are Interested In Consigning.
  If That Is Not Possible, Please Phone 1-877-797-2135,  Or Cell # 705-305-5662
Or Email

Always Looking For Primitives & Country Items, Sterling Silver, Clocks, Original Artwork, Porcelain And Tin Signs, Advertising, Antique Toys, Etc.  Whatever You Have, Please Contact Me, And If I Can’t Include Your Items In Our Auctions, I Am Always Happy To Suggest Other Options With You.

Here Is A 90 Second Video Look At Our March 14 2020 Auction

Here Are Some Selected Results From The March 14 2020 Auction

PHOTOS Supreme March 15 2020

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Home Furnishings Sunday March 15 2020

Home Furnishings, Mattresses & Home Decor LIVE Auction!

Sunday March 15 1:00 pm
Preview @ 10:00 am

Supreme Furniture

320 Bayfield Street (Bayfield Mall Beside Dulux Paints)

Barrie L4M 3C1

STORE NUMBER 705-725-1099


Over 30 Recliners In Addition To Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Loveseats & Recliners In Material And Leather. Quantity Of Brand Name Mattresses & Sets In Single, Double, Queen & King, Over 100 Pieces Available. Occasional & Accent Tables, Coffee, End Tables, Chairs, Dressers, Chests Of Drawers,  7 Pce Pub Sets & Dining Suites,  Large Selection Of Prints, Oils, Home Decor Items, Liquidation Items And Much More!

We Have Been Commissioned To Offer All Inventory By LIVE Public Auction!

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Attention Stagers And Consumers. This Is A Full Auction, Approx. 3 Hours, With No Set Order, So Items Can Be Put Up As Requested.

If You Cannot Stay For The Auction, You Can Leave Advance Bids During The Preview.

Bring Your Van, Truck Or Trailers,  Or Delivery Is Available At A Reasonable Cost. (Large Items Can Be Removed Up To Four Days After Auction)

TERMS: Cash, Interac/Debit, Visa and MasterCard, Valid I.D. required. 10% Buyers Premium. Subject to additions and deletions.  All verbal or written announcements on auction day take precedence. All items must be paid for prior to removal from premises.

Discover The Fun & Excitement Of Buying Your Quality Home Furnishings Through Our LIVE Auctions!